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Which of Your Passwords Should Be the Strongest and Secureest?

The Significance of Your Email Password: Protecting Your Digital Identity

When you think of password security and which one you consider to be the most dangerous for a hacker to find, you most likely think: of my online banking account, or my 401K retirement account, or even my credit card accounts.

But the password you should be the most diligent at protecting and making sure it is very strong is none of those.  In fact, you may be a little surprised to hear our answer.  It is your Email password. So, if you really stop to think about it, once someone gets a hold of your email password they have easy access to all your other critical personal sites.

Why? Because most password retrieval systems are email-based. Once you click “forgot my password”, what happens? A link is sent to your inbox. If a hacker can get into your mailbox, they have access to a lot more than “non-sensitive emails”. They can easily take over your personal accounts. Take a moment to think of just some of the serious situations that can occur once a hacker gets into your email:

  • They can change your password and lock you out of your own email account
  • They can reset your passwords to financial and shopping websites
  • They can send emails out to your contacts, such as sensitive business information or solicitations
  • They can send spam and malware from your email

Now think for a moment about the increase in cell phone hacking we’ve been witnessing over the years. Just imagine what happens when hackers gain control of your passwords and your cell phone. While some service providers, like banks, have a two-step verification process for security purposes – email and text to your phone – if a hacker gains access to both this is now obviously a recipe for disaster. Additionally, most cell phones leave your emails open for easy access to it each day, therefore it is open for anyone to peruse if they should get a hold of your device. It is critical to change your email password the moment you know your phone has been lost or stolen, especially since this is the account where all the other password changes usually have to be confirmed.

We want you to be able to create that 16-character password and remember it easily. So we have created an eBook for you with an easy-to-follow guide on how to create your own formula. (Click Titles below)

Download your free eBook
KartHost™ Secure Password Formula

Remember don’t match our sample exactly make up your own formula.


(Originally Published December 17, 2014)

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