Who is Wyatt Matters?

A few years ago, we began our search to find the perfect mascot to illustrate to our customers just how devoted we are to helping with all their WordPress, domain name, and KloudEmail questions.
Who is Wyatt Matters
Who is Wyatt Matters

We sat down for a brainstorming session with our dear creative friend David Bamberg and the first that came to mind was that the perfect mascot would be a coach. A coach could help guide and train our customers to be experts.

Next, we had to decide how our perfect coach would look and Dave came up with more than ten illustrations, but something wasn’t quite right. We didn’t feel a closeness with any of the faces he was drawing, and then it clicked! It should be the face of someone we knew. And not just anyone, an American soldier named Richard Alexandra Ware, lovingly known as “Dickie” to family and friends. Dickie is in fact the brother of KartHost’s very own Gail Randolph!

Dickie gave the ultimate sacrifice for his country on August 24, 1968, in Tay Ninh Province, South Vietnam. On December 5, 2012, Dickie’s hometown honored his family by renaming a portion of MS State Highway 15 to the “Richard Alexandra ‘Dickie’ Ware Memorial Highway”. You can find out more about Dickie at The Virtual Wall Vietnam Veterans Memorial and at Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund.

Richard Alexandra "Dickie" Ware picture of him in his brown shirt uniform with USA flag behind him. Hand painting.

Once we had the face, we needed to give our new coach a name. Our hope was to pass along the serving spirit like Dickie had in abundance, and we came up with the name Coach Wyatt Matters™, pronounced Coach Why @ Matters. (See what we did there?!)

Sadly, Coach Wyatt Matters is not actually the person helping you, but his spirit is with all our team members at KartHost™. The spirit of helping you find answers, serving by sharing knowledge, and giving our best to help you and your business succeed. The spirit of serving you best is what matters to us most at KartHost™.

Who is Wyatt Matters
Who is Wyatt Matters
Coach Wyatt Matters helps us illustrate two things to everyone:

Why it Matters to have your website built in WordPress and hosted by KartHost™.

Why @ Matters – What comes after the @ Really Does Matter, so make sure it’s your own domain name and not an advertisement for someone else’s brand.

We are very happy and proud to introduce you to Richard Alexandra “Dickie” Ware and Coach Wyatt Matters.

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