What Makes Up An Email Address?

And Wyatt Matters that Your Name is After the “@”

Revised: Oct 18, 2022

What Makes up an Email Address?

People have asked, “what’s the difference between a web address and an email address”? And really that is simple. The major difference is the “@” symbol (pronounced  “at”, if you look at Wikipedia it says it’s a “commercial at”, but for simplicity let’s just say “at”).

What Makes Up An Email Address?

There are a few major protocols, which means a predetermined set of instructions is used when a standardized symbol (or codes) is used to do a set task. What in the world did that mean?! 

The “@” sign tells the Internet it needs to use the email protocol (a set of rules for formatting and processing data).

In fact, if you would replace the “@” with a dot “.” That would change it from an email address to a web address. The dot in the right place is a different protocol and causes your query (request) to be handled differently.

OK, now what the heck did that mean? Enough of that techie jargon.

After the @ Sign, Wyatt Matters

What does this mean to you, and how will it help you? Remember that when it comes to email, you are trying to brand a product, a company name, or maybe even your own name (hint hint, real estate agents and others that brand themselves).

Ask yourself how many emails you, your staff, and your automation (automatic replies from your website); send out on a daily basis? Probably a lot more than you really think.

KartHost Email Archive system which is an option with our KloudEmail service sends me an email (optional) with the total count of emails that were placed in Email Archive each day (both incoming and outgoing including attachments). The total number of emails that build up amazes me.

Are you using a free email like Gmail, Yahoo mail, Outlook.com (aka Hotmail), or another free email service like your local ISP?  How much are they paying YOU to promote their brand? Not enough, maybe even nothing!? Simply sending an email promotes you (and your business) in front of the eyes of your future potential clients and keeps your name in front of your existing clients! Yes impressions matter, and the more the better. Do not let this easy branding opportunity go unused.

If Privacy Matters to You Stop Using Free Email – There isn’t a Free Lunch!

Ever wonder why you start receiving emails about a product or service you recently surfed the web about? Why you are seeing all kinds of ads about that product or service? In part, you can thank your free email service. Scanning what you do and using your information is how they know which of their paying vendors to present to you. Recently reported several very large and well-known big tech email services have been crossing the line using your information and redefining their spam filters outside the internet standards to include more of their philosophy. Placing opposing views of legitimate emails in spam folders or not delivering them at all. Maybe it’s time to rethink your email service with a custom email address for better privacy in addition to providing you higher security for all your emails especially those critical emails received from your financial services.

Email Service Provider, Wyatt Matters

Wyatt Matters Explains at KartHost

In the old days, anyone could get hosting, add an email (SMTP) server on that same server and not think twice about it. And didn’t charge anything for it, because, for the most part, nothing really needed to be looked after. Low overhead for the service provider. Those days are gone. Nowadays it’s a more complex world. Providing HIGH reliable and redundant email service that is truly business class is no small task.  That is one reason at KartHost we switched to a premium email service a couple of years ago called ‘KloudEmail’. You can visit our website to get the details on KloudEmail, but the bottom line is you need to look for a service that does not provide single point of failure, in other words if their email server or even their data center should go down, will your email go down with it? If the IP address assigned to that email server gets on Blacklists, will your email get blocked?  Is your email backed up every night, and do you have access to the backups?  And if you need to retrieve a certified copy of an email for proof in a lawsuit, can your email system give you that option? These are just a few of the important questions you need to be asking for in a high quality email service.  Also is your email truly private from being scanned, for purposes of placing ads on your site. Does your email share the same disk space as your website? These would be a couple of signs to change the type of email service you use.

Branding yourself with email by using your own domain name for email does not mean you have to settle for second class email service. In fact, just the opposite is true. Take action today to make email work harder for you. Move up to better email. Move up to KloudEmail.

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