Better Docs for better knowledge base to support your clients

Is Your FAQ Answering Support Questions? Maybe you need BetterDocs!

Is customer support a drain on your resources?

Whether your business is big or small, customer support can be a real drain on your resources. 

For smaller businesses of maybe one to three people, allocating time each day to respond to customer support requests is time that can be better spent building your business and focussing on the core services. 

In a larger business, the requirement to bring on one, two, or even a team of people to handle customer support requests is costly!

We have previously discussed a fantastic plugin, FluentSupport, that helps significantly with managing and organizing support tickets, but what we are talking about today is a way of getting to the heart of the problem. 

Better Docs for better knowledge base to support your clients

What is that?

The majority of customer support requests that come in (to us at least) tend to be related to the same subjects. Needless to say, it gets tiresome and very repetitive to respond with the same answers each time. 

What BetterDocs does is create a Knowledge Base where you can create categories that contain articles on specific topics relating to your products and services.

Basically, it is a one-stop-shop of answers for your customers! 

And the best part is that by empowering your customers with a knowledge base, you will end up receiving fewer customer support tickets with the same questions.

Create a knowledge base easily with BetterDocs

BetterDocs allows you to add a knowledge base to your website regardless of what CMS you are using – In other words, you don’t need to have a WordPress site to get all the benefits of this powerful plugin.

Once you have created your knowledge base (more on that later) all you have to do is copy the shortcode in the plugin dashboard and add it to your website. 

While there are a large number of helpdesk plugins on the market right now that include a knowledge base, it’s usually only the one. You will usually have the option to add further knowledge bases, but it will come at an additional cost.

Why isn’t this a good solution?

If you have multiple services and products, it is likely (and advisable) that you create a knowledge base for each of them. This makes the content even more accessible and for your customers’ answers to be found more quickly.

With knowledge bases being the primary purpose of BetterDocs, it’s no surprise that every package, regardless of the price level, will let you have multiple knowledge bases

If, for example, you have created tutorial video content for multiple products, this plugin offers an effective and affordable solution to homing your content on your website in an easily-searchable way.

BetterDocs’ knowledge bases are also structured a little differently. 

In order to make your content easier to navigate and search, you first need to create categories—which are not necessary but we highly recommend using them—and then you can add your information-packed content to them. 

Stop replying with the same solutions

There is absolutely nothing wrong with responding to your customers’ questions. It is a great way of building trust and positioning yourself as an expert in your industry, and it adds that real personal touch that will make your business stand out amongst your competitors. 

The problem is that when you are selling (or just providing) products and services, there will inevitably be a large number of specific questions people will need to answer either before purchase or as part of after-sales care. 

Now, unless every single product or service that you offer to your customers is completely bespoke, it is likely that a large number of these customer questions will be the same as each other. This is where responding to the same questions, repeatedly, and on a seemingly never-ending basis, is a waste of your valuable resources. 

You have likely already tried to address this issue by providing an FAQ section on your website. Maybe you have even added specific FAQs on multiple product pages with questions relating specifically to the featured product.

That is great!

This is a real sign that you have fully considered the customer journey and have a deep knowledge of your products. 

But if we’re being honest, FAQ sections aren’t especially engaging. Plus there is no option to search for specific answers so a good number of your customers will save themselves the time and email you directly for the right answers. After all, that makes sense for them!

This is why the search function of BetterDocs is so beneficial. It will make the task of finding answers more simple and fast, meaning your customers are more likely to engage with the entire knowledge base.

Add as little or as much as you want

With BetterDocs, you can choose to keep your knowledge bases as simple or as packed-full of content as you want. The reason for this is that not every business will have a huge amount of content already available, or the resources to create it. 

This means that instead of having a knowledge page that looks completely empty, which is not a good look, you can choose different features and functionalities to suit your products. 

There are a few more great additions to the knowledge base side of the plugin, some of which we have already touched on. 

Searchable articles

Whether you have a long list of articles, or just a few, the ability to easily search through them for your customers can lead to greater engagement and consequently reduce the number of support requests your team (or you) receive. 

To make your knowledge bases even more user-friendly, a table of contents is automatically created as you add new articles. This can really suit different types of article content to give more of a user manual type feel and when combined with the search bar, offers yet another way for your customers to engage and find the answers they need without emailing you. 


Widgets are more and more common on websites these days, and they tend to be usually quite generic or even borderline annoying. But they are incredibly beneficial when used correctly, and BetterDocs does just that. 

Having already created your knowledge bases, categories, and articles, the chatbot will direct your answer-seeking customers towards the relevant articles. 

Within the window, your customers will also have an option to contact you directly via email. Sometimes this is going to be the best solution, but having at least identified first that they cannot find their answers elsewhere, you have a far better chance of it being a more unique query. 


Probably the best thing about any fantastic new plugin that adds a new feature to your website is the ability to choose from different layout options, style it to match your website, and get it set up quickly. You can choose from multiple templates that allow you to start building out your knowledge bases easier and faster. One particular detail is the ability to add icons for different article categories.


BetterDocs is designed to work especially well with Elementor, but if you prefer using another builder, they make it incredibly easy to add knowledge bases anywhere on your site page. Using a shortcode that you can find under the Shortcodes tab in your WordPress dashboard, you can easily add a knowledge base as a block on your site whether you prefer to use Divi Builder, Beaver Builder, or any other for that matter. 

Can you reduce your customer support requests?

Because we have so much first-hand experience in receiving a large number of customer support tickets with the same questions, we are especially pleased that this plugin has been so well thought out. 

We know that it has the potential to take a huge burden off of people’s workload, and can be a great way of providing an even better service for a lot less than it would cost to keep hiring more team members to deal with repeat tickets. 

That is why we have included BetterDocs in our list of showstopper plugins as part of the EZWP Complete and soon-to-come Membership packages. And, now that we have added Elementor to our Complete and Membership packages you can get the full experience!

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