Separating Personal and Business – Email Edition

Personal and Branded EmailE-mail: The number one most-used business application. With over 929 million business accounts in use in 2013, and more than 100 billion e-mails sent and received each day, we know the majority of people use their business accounts for personal use. If you are one of the many using your business e-mail account for personal use, KartHostâ„¢ strongly recommends you get them separated, and sooner rather than later! Why hurry up and split, you ask? 28% of companies have said they’ve fired employees for e-mail misuse. Not good enough to make you want to get a dedicated personal email? Read on:

  1. The company owns all the e-mail: That’s right, even personal messages. Employers have the right to monitor anything you access on the company’s computer system and equipment, including your personal e-mail messages. Think it’s safe to send and delete? While e-mails may appear to have been deleted, they are accessible permanently through the proper channels, channels like the KartHostâ„¢ KloudEmail Archive system.
  2. If you part ways with your company, you lose all your e-mail data: The average person sends 43 e-mails per day, and receives over 130 messages. No one makes copies of their e-mail and takes them home with them. So once the connection to the company is lost, so are your personal messages.
  3. The company is not responsible for system crashes: Same idea here. If the company’s system goes down, you lose your personal account information.If your company uses KloudEmailâ„¢ with Email Archiving, the chances of this happening are almost 0%.
  4. If the company’s system is compromised, your personal messages may be hacked: A survey in 2011 concluded 90% off all businesses have suffered some sort of computer hack over the past year. If the company’s system is breached, you are at risk of your personal information falling into the wrong hands. And what if you have passwords saved for personal accounts like credit cards or bank accounts within your e-mail? They too, are now at risk of getting hacked.

On the flip side, KartHostâ„¢ encourages business owners to remind your employees of your e-mail policies. Setting up rules for separating business and personal e-mails will Business-Emailhelp your company 1. avoid misconduct, like offensive e-mails being circulated with your company name on it 2. reduce liability by showing you have taken steps to prevent inappropriate use of e-mail and 3. you can remind your employees about e-mail monitoring. But don’t just tell your employees they can’t use their e-mail account for personal use. How about giving them an alternative? One that is packed with layers of spam protection, privacy and comes with top-notch support – KartHostâ„¢ KloudEmailâ„¢. So whether you’re a business owner looking to protect your business, or an individual ready to separate your business and personal e-mails, there’s no time like the present to let us help you get started with KartHostâ„¢ KloudEmailâ„¢.



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