
How to fix your broken Avatars in WordPress

Here is one suggestion on how to correct your Avatar

As you know your Avatar is a product of Gravatar that you have setup to use to identify yourself across the internet. But you have noticed your picture is not showing up especially inside your WordPress site. Now you are looking at your Avatar settings and they seem to be set correct at (1) Settings > (2) Discussion, but they are all showing up broken (3).

What is going on?

2022-11-10-Broken-Avatar-Images as seen in WordPress Dashboard

What I have discovered involves a vendor we use for protecting our computers named Bitdefender. What I found of course will not stop me from using them. And if you are wondering I do not have an affiliate link for them.

Do you have Bitdefender installed as an extension on your browser? If so the following is really easy but for more information you will need to go your account and use the Bitdefender Support link I have shared at the end.

Check to see if you have the Bitdefender Anti-Tracker turned on.


You can find this by managing your browser extensions I have links to instructions for the ones we use most often. As things change with these companies it is always best to Search in your browser of choice and see from them how to Manage Extensions.

Microsoft Edge

Now that you have found where to manage your extensions lets find Bitdefender Anti-Tracker and turn it off to see if that fixes the broken Avatars in WordPress.


And for me it did correct it.

2022-11-10-Working-Avatar-Images as seen in WordPress Dashboard

For more information on other settings I will refer you back to Bitdefender Support
Can’t access a Website when Bitdefender Anti-Tracker is active

This took me awhile to find so hope I have helped you not to spin your wheels as long as I did looking for an answer.

uses Accessibility Checker to monitor our website's accessibility.

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