When it comes to building and maintaining a web presence, we believe one of the most important aspects is making sure you have access to control your own website. Even if you have a managed website host or have entrusted a designer with your site, it is vital you have access (logins) to your domain name, which in turn ensures you have control over your site when needed. This is just one common pitfall we run into on a consistent basis with clients looking to upgrade or change their websites.
“We thought, instead of telling you what we know, it’d be more beneficial to share with you some of the most common FAQ’s we hear at the Business Boutique events and from our more web-savvy clients. By suggesting solutions to some recurring questions and concerns, we hope to point you in the right direction and elevate your web presence to the next level.” – Roy Randolph
One common misconception we hear often is that it is complicated to change an existing website built in WordPress to another domain name. For instance, a lot of folks start their websites with their personal names and then have a need to change that domain once their business is established. So, is transferring all the content from the personal site onto the new business domain name hard to do?
Nope. It’s not hard at all. Of course, that is if you know what you are doing. One of the many good things about using WordPress, is this can be handled without much issue.
For instance, with KartHost’s™ Managed WordPress Hosting if a client of ours decides that they wish to change domains, we can do that seamlessly. And even better, our EZWP Builder includes this service.
The first step is we totally change over the hosting from the old domain to the new domain name. This means changing all the pages, posts (blog posts) and images so they are using the new domain name. Once that is done, we do what is called a “301 redirect”. In a nutshell you do this so Google (and other search engines) know that all your old web pages are now using your new domain name. Without the “301 redirect” Google will not know you changed to a new domain name and think your web site went off line, aka you would be starting over, not good if your site content is the same.
KartHost™ Advantage: We pride ourselves in providing the utmost customer support, we even have a special word for it, Kartnatical Support.
So you’ve already built your entire site on another platform, and it’s time to move (we’d say upgrade) it to WordPress? As far as that goes, KartHost™ is able to help you move practically any other type of website, built with practically any other website builder over to WordPress. And what’s more, we can ensure you do not lose your SEO “juice”, since the page URL’s will be a little different on WordPress than the previous website builder. Most importantly, we do not want you to lose how Google finds you. So if you are using WIX, Weebly, Joomla or any other system to build your site, we can help.
SEO Essentials: The Basics (Part 1) READ MORE HERE
KartHost™ Advantage: We offer 30 min free consultations over the phone or via Zoom to discuss your specific needs. Call us 832-220-0040
We often get asked if it is possible to have more than one domain name that points to the same website or a specific page. The answer is you most certainly can, and in fact we encourage it. Here are a few things you need to understand.
Why Register A Domain Name? READ MORE HERE
Let’s say you already happen to have 2+ domain names. Chances are one is longer and describes more of what you do. The longest domain name is the one we recommend you use for your website and links, because that’s the one Google sees which aids in your internet marketing and SEO juice. Then use your shorter domain names for your email, when giving out your email address and on printed materials to keep it short, sweet & memorable. You will then have the shorter domain name “point” to your longer domain name. And the same with email should someone use the larger domain when they send an email to you, that is called a domain alias.
KartHost™ Advantage: Remember domain names are first come first serve. If you are wanting to shorten or add domain names check out our domain name suggestion tool.
Curious on how long you should register a new domain? You’re not alone in that camp, and it is an excellent question. If you are going to be using your domain name as the primary domain name for your website and you are a new starting company (or even an established company and this is a new domain name) we suggest registering it for a minimum of 2 years, and .com addresses can be registered for up to 10 years out.
Of course, the longer registration period the better. Why? Google looks at when the domain name is registered, as do many visitors that come to your website. If you are new to business, show that you are committed to the “long haul” versus a fly by night or scam business that will just about every time register for the minimum of 1 year, knowing they are here today and will be gone tomorrow. So, do all you can to build confidence in your business and strongly consider registering for multiple years, but for sure no less than 2.
We’ve heard several stories of people registering their domain names and shortly after being inundated with phone calls, emails and even text messages regarding their new company/venture. The first thought is the company who registered the domain name must have sold their personal information. However, we can assure you no matter who you register your domain through, they most likely DID NOT release personal information.
The most common reason for this unwanted solicitation is inadvertently opting out of purchasing the privacy protection on the domain name. Lately, we have seen that after a domain name has been purchased without privacy protection that public information in the domain name record is being scanned and used by hundreds of companies vying for your business. We highly recommend to our clients to purchase privacy protection. In the past (like even just 2 months ago) it was not a problem and most companies wanted you to be able to see their information on the record to assure you they were an established business.
KartHost™ Advantage: We offer Privacy Protection as an optional (and recommended) service when registering or transferring your domain. Find out more HERE
Have more questions? We’re here to be a resource for you! Check out the rest of our BLOG and KNOWLEDGEBASE or give us a call! 832-220-0040 We’d love to hear from you!