PayPal Billing Cycle Changes Effective October 1, 2021
Billing Cycle Options for Monthly Invoice under $10
On August 2, 2021 PayPal updated their pricing structure of increasing their percentage and the per transaction fee leading us to discontinue using PayPal as a payment option for future sales.
To avoid raising prices because of this increase, effective October 1, 2021 we will be canceling PayPal Subscriptions under $10 per month and change billing cycle to 12-month (annually). We also understand some may not be able to afford the Annual billing cycle see options (2 or 3) below.
– Continue to Pay by PayPal:1) 12-month billing cycle – This will be the default setting for invoices under $10/month invoices beginning with October 2021 invoicing. Billing will be updated to Annual billing cycle.
2) 6 Month billing cycle – Only available for client who submits a KartHost Billing Inquiries Support Ticket (See 4 & 5). Ticket must be submitted at least 1 week before next due date of October invoice to allow billing department time to adjust the account and the invoice from annual to biannual.
Note: All monthly PayPal subscriptions under $10 will be canceled end of September as new subscriptions will need to be established for new amount and billing cycle.
– Change My Payment Method to Debit/Credit Card3) Monthly billing cycle (amount stays the same below $10) using Debit/Credit Card as new payment method. Ticket must be submitted at least 1 week before next due date of October invoice to allow billing department time to adjust the account and the invoice from PayPal annual to Debit/Credit Card monthly.
As of today, our merchant rates at have not been increased and we are able to offer clients with monthly invoices under $10 the ability to continue. However, it will require all invoices to be paid via Debit/Credit Card. First invoice paid with card will set that card as the default card on file and will used for all future payments. All your information is protected at We do not store your full card information on our servers and cannot see anything other than last 4 digits and expiry date. Please understand product rate changes may still apply in the future.
– I Can Not pay Annually4) Invoices in October will automatically be changed to 12 Month billing cycle keeping the payment method PayPal unless you open a Support Ticket for Billing Inquiries Department (See #5) requesting either the 6-month billing cycle and remain at PayPal or change default payment method to Debit/Credit Card and remain on monthly billing cycle. – Support Ticket to Change Billing Cycle or Payment Method
5) You Must Open a Support Ticket to request 6-Month billing cycle or Change Payment Method to Debit/Credit Card a minimum of 1 week prior to October due date on the updated invoice.
Here is a video on how to open a support ticket
How to Open a KartHost Support Ticket – Video (Click)
The following is an example of the text you may use when submitting the ticket.
*********************Support Ticket Example*****************
Subject:Â Please make these changes to my billing due to PayPal Update
Message of Ticket:
I received the information on KartHost’s billing changes involving PayPal.
Please make to following change to my billing cycle: ____________
a) Change from annual billing cycle to 6 month billing cycle and remain on PayPal. I understand a New subscription will be setup when I pay the first invoice.b) Change my Default payment method to Debit/Credit Card and Keep monthly billing cycle and payment as is.
c) Change my Default payment method to Debit/Credit Card AND change billing cycle to 6 months (or 12 Months/Annual)
I understand the modified invoice will be emailed to me when my request is completed and KartHost will reply to this ticket.
I also understand when paying by Debit/Credit Card the next payment will be requested from the card the day before the due date. This protects against domain names expiring before the payment is received when they are paid one day ahead of expiry date.
*********************end of Example of Billing Support Ticket*****************
NOTE: Your current subscription at PayPal will be canceled by KartHost end of September.
As you know we do not request money from PayPal, the subscription you set up tells PayPal to send us that exact amount until the subscription is canceled. This is one of the drawbacks of using PayPal where customers assume we are requesting the money from their account at PayPal but instead the subscription the customer set up is telling PayPal to send us money without us requesting anything.
We are here to answer any questions or concerns you have about your services or if you would like a review to make sure your services are meeting your needs. Ask about our new features and services.
Thank you for your business (sounds lame but so true). We do look forward to working through this with you.
Gail RandolphPresident
KartHost LLC
832.220.0040 Ext 102
14015 Park Drive, Ste 112
Tomball, TX 77377