KloudEmail Professional Webmail New Chat Feature

The new Chat feature is now available to existing KartHost Branded Email users using Webmail. The Chat feature can be a valuable tool to those businesses that have 2 or more employees that need to stay in convenient contact. Chat can be Using KloudEmail Webmail Chat at KartHostmore responsive than using email, but less time consuming and less disruptive than making a phone call. Needless to say this can also save shout’s down the hall or trips across the building.

No issue of employs getting online wasting time chatting to others outside the company on the different social media chat systems which can be a big time waster. Your chats can only be with users inside of your own domain using Webmail.

Using Outlook? And would still like to use Chat? That isn’t a problem either, all you need do is open a web browser and start your Chat and then just ‘pop out’ the chat window into its own window. This way you can leave the smaller Chat browser window open taking up less space while the primary Webmail browser is minimized.

For a complete How To Use Professional Mail Webmail Chat, check out the details in the KartHost Knowledgebase (where you will also find other KloudEmail documentation as well)

Of if you like, just watch this Wyatt Matters Koaching Korner Video on Chat.

Not a KartHost KloudEmail user yet? Learn more about KloudEmail services both Professional Mail and Exchange Services

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